Retro Spec is a live theatrical performance that premiered via live stream to an outdoor cinema on Friday August 21st and Saturday August 22nd, 2020. The performance itself is best described as an immersive theater experience set to a score of original music by Kat Wright, Stephanie Wilson, Kat Wright Trio, Juptr, and Smalltalker. Conceived and directed by Trish Denton, the event was a pandemic-era experiment by musicians, theater artists, dancers, visual artists, and filmmaker Myles David Jewell to create a new model of live entertainment. With an emphasis on community building, public safety, and the power of allyship during times of crisis, the performance took the form of a socially-distanced spectacle projected on the side of a waterfront warehouse in Burlington, Vermont.

Producer / Director – Trish Denton
Associate Producer – Stephanie Wilson
Lead Artist – Kat Wright
Director of Photography – Myles Jewell
Sound Engineer – Nico Osborne
Lighting Designer – Christy Rosario
Broadcast Engineer – Phin Totten

Ensemble featuring Lauren Bomeisl, Ruth Meteer, Adaline Herbert, Lilly Xian, and Audrey Tassey-Ayer

Remediate text from “Things Fall Apart” by Pema Chodron
Ritual poem “A Woman Speaks” by Audre Lorde
Vigil poem “The Tradition” by Jericho Brown
Collage Imagery by Myles David Jewell, Trish Denton, & Kat Wright

The letter written by Stephanie Wilson and Trish Denton with excerpts from bell hooks, John Lewis, and Martin Luther King Jr.

Production support by Christy Rosario
Incidental music by Nico Osborne
Audio Visual at venue by Zach Williamson
Trash sculptures by Rebecca Schwarz
Relentless support by Mike Lynch & Chris Tranten

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