It’s the 11th hour for humanity and we stand on a threshold. We can never go back to the way things were. Now is a time for collective imagining – to conjure what we will relegate to the PAST to radically embody the PRESENT. To do this, we must gather six relics to construct a VOTIVE OF TRUTH.
X-VOTIVE is a visual album set to the atmospheric sounds of Acqua Mossa. The quest narrative follows a heroic, Time Shifter through a dream-like world as she hunts for six sacred relics that will unlock a portal to new, possible futures. Hard-wired to undertake this arduous journey, our protagonist is plunged into a hyperreal pilgrimage that shines light on lineage, ancestry, and divine power. Conjuring experimental films such as Maya Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon and Sun Ra’s Space is the Place, X-Votive is a work of new media paying homage to the cinematic tradition of visual poetry.

Produced by In Tandem Arts & Acqua Mossa
Trish Denton – Producer / Director / Writer
Stephanie Wilson – Main Character / Designer / Writer
Myles Jewell – Director of Photography
Nico Osborne – Sound & Production Design
Jason “Liggy” Liggett – Lighting Design
Sage Horsey – Choreographer / Dancer
Derek Rice – Keys & Vox
Timothy Heaghney – Drums
Shakir Stephen – Bass
Katie Gilmartin – Performer / Production Assistant
Kenroy Walker – Performer / Production Assistant
Chris Tranten – Audio Engineer
Haley Fenn – Jewelry Artist